
  • Vote on climate bill is blocked in Senate. By H. Josef Hebert. Associated Press Writer. The next Congress will look a lot different. – – – – U.S. Senate Abandons Global Warming Bill. By J.R. Pegg. Environmental News Service – – – – Republicans thwart McCain ‘greenwash’. By Leonard Doyle. The Independent (U.K) – –…

  • Late season, high altitude snowmobiling has been a contentious issue for a long time on the Flathead National Forest. Here is a victory for bear conservationists. Judge Molloy limits late snowmobiling season in favor of Flathead grizzlies. Daily InterLake. By Jim Mann

  • The New York Times details a recent lawsuit filed yesterday by environmentalists to stop the feedlot-like conditions of the National Elk Refuge in Wyoming. Suit Opposes Elk Feeding in Wyoming – New York Times. By Jim Robbins. The spread of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) threatens wildlife given its recent proximity to the “refuge” and is…

  • In Montana, bison plan paused. Ranchers and conservationists are increasingly at odds, as Yellowstone herd numbers plunge. By Todd Wilkinson. Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor. Actually, I think the genetically pure bison is now in danger of extinction and should be added to the endangered species list.

  • In response to recent E. coli outbreaks, corporate buyers are pushing California farmers to rid their fields of all wildlife and wild vegetation – despite the fact that this could make the food supply even less safe. Link to Fields of overkill. WESTERN ROUNDUP. By Li Miao Lovett. High Country News. You may to subscribe…

  • This is a short stretch with a lot of commuting and tourist traffic. Story. AP The study found that at least 134 collisions between vehicles and deer or elk occurred in 2007 on the 26-mile stretch from Ketchum south to the intersection of state Highway 75 and U.S. Highway 20.

  • Too many elk and not enough tough love in Wyoming. By Jeff Welsch. Writers on the Range.

  • New Climate Report Foresees Big Changes. By Andrew C. Revkin. New York Times. Published: May 28, 2008 The southwestern states, in particular, will see big decreases in river flows. That means places like Phoenix, AZ and Las Vegas, NV will become even more unsustainable. Here is a link to the final report (60mb pdf file).…

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