
  • Well maybe . . . the article is more of a hope than report of the facts. Victoria shifts away from development of Flathead Valley. But permanent protection still needed for rare treasure. Kathryn Molloy, Vancouver Sun

  • Montana’s Rocky Mountain Front seems to be the only place in the Rocky Mountains where the oil companies are not getting what they want. That’s good news, but unfortunately the exception that proves the rule. Energy company cedes its oil, gas leases along Front to Trout Unlimited. Kohlman Co. gives 33,411 acres to Trout Unlimited…

  • Robert Hoskins has a very good guest column in New West today (Feb. 7, 2008). The True Cost of Brucellosis. I fixed the link. RM

  • A coalition of conservation organizations and individuals is calling on Congress to de-fund Wildlife Services [Killers] Predator Eradication Program. This directly confronting attempts of the livestock industry to gain more money for Predator Control. Read the exceptional letter the coalition sent to congresspeople linked to at the end of this Press Release, the other links…

  • Last summer, the Murphy fire burned a huge swatch of the Owyhee country in SW Idaho (and northern Nevada). Ever since the BLM has been under intense pressure to do the wrong things such as graze lands that burned rather than let them recover. Some of the ranchers here have very high political connections. The…

  • According to Ed Bangs and observations on the ground, probably all of the Buffalo Ridge wolf pack near Clayton, Idaho have been now been shot for repeatedly picking off a few tiny cow calves born in the bone chilling winter and pastured next to the vast central Idaho wilderness. Lynne Stone of the Boulder White…

  • British Petroleum has withdrawn their plans for massive industrialization of the area across the border, but adjacent to Glacier National Park, but B.P. other companies and the British Columbia government have lots of other awful plans for this general area. Bordering on Catastrophe. Montana’s opposition helped kill a Canadian mining plan last week. But has…

  • Livestock’s war on wildlife is heating up. One day after the final wolf delisting rule (2/21/08) the Capital Press, Ag’s favorite rag, published that Producers push for more livestock protection [wildlife killing] funds (2/22/08 – Subscriber Only) : The article reports that cattle and sheep industry people are asking the Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural development…

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