
  • This has got to be one of my favorite stories. It is too rare these days that public officials are directly held to account. The court date for Rey is set for Tuesday. Agriculture chief may face jail time As the story illustrates, and we’ve gone over before, Rey spent much time with disgraced Sen.…

  • Groups unhappy with Idaho Fish and Game’s bighorn plan. By Sven Berg. South Idaho Press. The plan was forced on Idaho Fish and Game by politicians and domestic sheep interests. If anyone thinks Idaho will do a good job managing wolves, look at the bighorn sheep issue (an animal everyone likes except for some livestock…

  • This is great news! BP drops Flathead coal-bed plan. By Michael Jamison. Missoulian. I recently did a story on the grave threat of these wells to the water, air and land in British Columbia just NW of Glacier National Park. The plans for the huge mountaintop coal mine (the Cline Mine) remain, however. Here is…

  • Pythons could squeeze lower third of USA. USA Today. By Elizabeth Weise

  • Wow, if Bush’s EPA doesn’t like it, it must have a really terrible environmental impact. EPA slams new plan for Sublette gas field. Watchdog agency rips BLM proposal, says past study underestimated pollution by factor of 5. By Cory Hatch, Jackson Hole News and Guide “The EPA letter comes in response to the Bureau of…

  • “Congress is coming to Kalispell [Montana] this week for a town hall meeting to discuss the proposed industrialization of Canadian wilds bordering Glacier National Park’s northern edge.” US Senators Baucus and Tester are holding a meeting to discuss British Columbia’s plans to tear the hell out of upper Flathead river which drains directly into Montana.…

  • A huge scandal has emerged regarding the slaughter of “downer” cows — cattle that can’t walk to their slaughter. This is a problem because it is believed, and known in Europe, that cows that can’t walk are more likely to have mad cow disease. USDA will step up inspections at slaughterhouses. By Julie Schmit, USA…

  • I generally think this is a good thing. The Jackson Hole bison herd, unlike the Yellowstone bison, are not constrained by a shortage of winter range because they, like the Jackson Hole elk, are artificially fed during the winter. The result is a herd that is only constrained by its summer range unless there is…

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