
  • The National Park Service, the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service [APHIS],  Forest Service, Montana Department of Livestock and Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks will hold this meeting. Story.

  • Montana knapweed researcher sees work paying off. By Perry Backus. Missoulian. Aside from cheatgrass, the spread of the knapweeds: spotted knapweed, diffuse knapweed, Russian knapweed, and yellow starthistle, is probably the biggest exotic noxious plant problem in the West. Like cheatgrass, its adverse effects are often unappreciated by the casual observer of wildlife or those…

  • The BLM is intent on turning even more prime wildlife habitat and trout streams over to the tender mercies of the oil companies. This story tells of their effort to retard this. By Ruffin Prevost. Billings Gazette.

  • It’s called the “Watersheds Messenger.” I think most people will find it an interesting and valuable read. Nov. 2007 issue.

  • Wolves Missing In Gila Forest. By Rene Romo. Copyright © 2007 Albuquerque Journal; Journal Southern Bureau Update: Governor Richardson: Disappearance of wolf pack is ‘disturbing.’ As we know, Governor Richardson is running for President. One way to show leadership in the area domestic terrorism would be to clean up the long-term trouble-makers in the…

  • The final decision for winter use for Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks has been signed. Sylvan Pass will remain open this winter with the use of howitzers and helicopters for avalanche control despite the huge cost of doing so for a trickle of snowmobilers. The Park Service, however, will not send personnel up to…

  • The photo below was taken on Nov. 18 on a hillside that in late August was dusty, brown, apparently dead, but not grazed by cows. It is about a 2 by 3 foot area just below a sagebrush (not shown) in the Bannock Range south of Pocatello. Where cattle have not destroyed the structure of…

  • Billings Gazette. Guest opinion by Don Woerner.  Outdated approach used to fight brucellosis. This veterinarian pretty much demolishes the agencies’ approach to brucellosis in elk and bison in the greater Yellowstone area as well as demolishes myths such as that the Greater Yellowstone bison and elk are the last reservoir of brucellosis in the United…

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