
  • WASHINGTON — A Montana expert testified Thursday that climate change will increase and intensify wildfires, while members of Congress and U.S. Forest Service officials grappled with how to pay for the increased costs of fire suppression Story: Professor: Fires in West will worsen. By Noelle Straub. Casper Star-Tribune Washington bureau. This should be obvious, but…

  • The U.S. House easily passed reform of the 1872 mining law that still governs the discovery and extraction of “hard rock” minerals on public lands. The bill did not pass it by enough, however, to override President Bush’s veto. A weaker bill is expected to pass the Senate, one more in line with some of…

  • The Missoulian has this: Brucellosis plan divides state’s cattle groups. The Montana Stockgrowers Association and the Montana Cattlemen’s Association are split on Schweitzer’s thoughts of breaking the Yellowstone region from the rest of the state with regard to brucellosis-free status. Brucellosis has been used to stir up the annual slaughter of Yellowstone’s wild buffalo by…

  • Large feedlots, a.k.a. CAFOs, have become the bane of southern Idaho, polluting the water (as told by this story) and the air. . . . hold your nose as you travel about 150 miles of Interstate 80 across southern Idaho. Feedlot agrees to pay fine to settle Clean Water Act violations. Idaho Statesman. Oh, for…

  • The U.S. House of Representative may be close to passing long overdue reforms to the 1872 mining law. Many in the Boise, Idaho area [Treasure Valley] are hoping for changes that will stop the proposed pit mines Canadian mining companies want to excavate upstream at Atlanta, Idaho and other places in the central Idaho mountains.…

  • Video of the condition of Current Creek in the Owyhee.

  • This guy set out an illegal poison for skunks and raccons. Coyotes ate the poisoned skunks and raccoons and died. Eagles ate the dead coyotes and died. It was kind of like 1920. He was fined for the value of the eagles; nothing about the use of an illegal poison. Man told to pay $15K…

  • Wyoming’s new US senator John Barrasso has picked up one of the priorities of the late Sen. Craig Thomas, R-Wyo. It would stop oil and gas leasing in all of the 100 mile long Wyoming Range and buy back those leases already issued. Senaror Barrasso brings bill to protect Wyoming Range. By Noelle Straub. Billings…

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