
  • Todd Wilkinson conducted a five-part interview of Bob “Action” Jackson, the former Yellowstone Park Ranger who patrolled “the Thorofare,” the most remote part of Yellowstone, which laps over into the equally remote Teton Wilderness area (managed by the Bridger-Teton National Forest). In fact, here, near the Park boundary, is the spot most remote from a…

  • Mining law may be overhauled to protect public lands. By Jennifer Talhelm. Associated Press. “The Bush administration opposes the House bill, arguing that it would hurt small Western communities that depend on mining.” Even the mining industry knows change is badly needed. This Administration uses the stupidest, most primitive arguments on issue after issue. IMO.

  • This is a very important report because it shows that the Interior West is being treated like a colony, a place where a dominant external political power stifles more lasting economic well being of the native population in favor of their interests. And like the colonies of old, there are plenty of local collaborators here…

  • As folks know, including the government of Wyoming, which fears a sage grouse listing under the ESA, large continuous areas of sagebrush steppe are in big trouble. It is fascinating how they blame wolves wolves for too few elk and then say there are too many antelope and deer and they need to have a…

  • Wildlife services has killed five wolves in the past 2 days in Montana. The language of the article is interesting to note . 5 wolves for 2 calves, four were gunned down from a helicopter. – – – – Update from RM Sept. 29. Ed Bangs has sent out the Grey Wolf Recovery Weekly Progress…

  • BE posted about this earlier. Here we have yet another livestock disease threatening wildlife. Bluetongue hit north central Idaho deer hard a couple years ago. Hard frost will kill the insects that spread it. Waiting for Frost: Bluetongue Appears in Montana Livestock and Wildlife.  New West. Kisha Lewellyn Schlege

  • For a conservation organization, the Nature Conservancy often seems not be very nature friendly, although usually have a political explanation. Here is the story from the Hays Daily News. It decribes how they poisoned prairie dogs in Logan County, Kansas. Prairie dogs are a species most groups are trying desperately to conserve. Phostoxin was used…

  • Group not surprised by Yellowstone gate decision. AP. Idaho Statesman. But I am. Cody businesspeople almost always get their way with the Park, and despite the astronomic cost of keeping the East Entrance at Sylvan Pass open for a handful of snowmobilers, I thought the Park would be ordered to cave. So this is good…

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