
  • There have been a lot of article about this summer’s all time low ice pack, but this article from the Scientific American tells even more.

  • Salt Lake Tribune. Congress probing EPA approval of Uintah County coal-fired power plant. By Patty Henetz This issue is that the Bush Administration is paying no attention to the recent Supreme Court ruling the carbon dioxide is a pollutant that the EPA should regulate. Reuters. Calif. lawmaker chides EPA for approving coal plant. . .…

  • This is from the WWP blog. What the story in the WWP blog does not mention, is that the very same thing goes on in Idaho to the harm of wildlife and revenue to the counties that allow it — trophy homes are built on an acreage and should generate a fair amount of property…

  • This new bison hunt is controversial, but I see as necessary in the short run because of the continued winter feeding of elk in Wyoming, which by default also means feeding bison in the winter. It is controversial because it is hardly a hunt. It is a herd reduction measure. The Yellowstone bison are not…

  • In Colorado, Drilling Some Holes in the Republican Base. White House Push For Oil, Gas Turning A Red State Purple. By Karl Vick. Washington Post Staff Writer. This is the reason political operatives are trying to stir it up between ungulate hunters and those more generally interested in wildlife — divide and conquer. What party…

  • Bluetongue is a disease carried by livestock which has been found to be spreading into game populations, killing antelope and white-tail deer. Montana has confirmed two deaths caused by the disease, and flights indicate a significant amount of dead animals: “Bluetongue can affect wildlife, and we got testing results back on our first two animals…

  • Rocky Barker sheds some light on a lesser known appropriations rider that Larry Craig sought to pass. The language would have limited water taken from Idaho reservoirs for salmon recovery. Craig salmon-water rider has uncertain future There has been speculation about another appropriations rider in response to the Senator’s wish to increase grazing (errr… “fuels…

  • Maryland Family Fights Off Bear. 134-Pound Sow Is First to Test Positive for Rabies in State. By Joe Holley. Washington Post.

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