
  • While coal-fired power plants are notoriusly dirity, some are a lot worse than others. They are usually the older plants. One that has long galled me is the old, but big, 4-corners power plant near the Four Corners area of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado. It spews its pall over the scenic canyonlands country…

  • Retiring elk tender defends feeding. By Cat Urbigkit, Casper Star-Tribune correspondent. One of the reasons Wyoming government officials want to all but wipe out Wyoming wolves is that they chase and kill elk on these unnatural feedlots. The feedlots were created so the elk would not compete with the “sacred cattle” of Wyoming during the…

  • “U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Thursday that he’ll do everything I can to stop construction of three major coal-fired power plants in his home state of Nevada and will push for more alternative energy development.” Reid had seemed to be neutral to leaning toward the coal plants. They are being proposed not because…

  • This is from the Western Watersheds Project blog. I’m not a great enthusiast for feral horses, although they are lovely to watch . . . prettier than cows. The horses can lead to overgrazing, but they are usually not the real culprit because the BLM does keep their numbers down, a minor factor compared to…

  • Although the nomination of Jim Caswell, aide to former Idaho Governor Dirk Kempthorne has now passed the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Colorado’s U.S. Senator Ken Salazar (Democrat) says he will keep “a hold” on the nomination and not let it come to a vote before the full Senate. The hold is there because…

  • Oh boy, these Idaho politicians acted fast to try to define what caused the fires, protect their butts, and try to get a bit extra for their good buddies out there. It’s quite a scene — the BLM and 1000 of their staff diverted to help fight fires in Idaho caused not by the Clinton…

  • Charred and scarred. Ranchers blame grazing rules for fire’s huge size. By Matt Christensen. Times-News writer. This story features none other than Idaho State House of Representatives Bert Brackett, R-Rogerson, of whom KT has written. Brackett is correct that the grazing rules led to the size of the fire, but in exactly the wrong way.…

  • The largely non-story (in Idaho) about Idaho losing its brucellosis free status has now ended. Idaho has been declared “brucellosis free” again. Idaho cattle had been infected by Wyoming elk near the Wyoming border in, naturally, a winter elk feeding operation close to cattle. Idaho media barely covered the story, and, of course, Wyoming the…

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