
  • With the record high temperatures in the Rocky Mountain and Intermountain West, the temperatures of trout streams are soaring above, sometimes far above, that which kills trout. It is plainly evident in Yellowstone Park. Heat kills fish in Yellowstone. Jackson Hole News and Guide. Yellowstone is more vulnerable than many mountain stream areas because the…

  • Despite a potential setback on wolves, there is good news for those who don’t want to see totally unregulated use of vehicles in the Grand Staircase/Escalante National Monument. Judge Rejects Utah Counties’ Road Claims in National Monument. ENS Editorial. Salt Lake Tribune. One road at a time: Ruling should help protect public lands from ATVs.…

  • As folks may recall, Wyoming’s US Senator Craig Thomas died recently. Thomas was moving to protect the Wyoming Range mountains from oil and gas leasing and development. His replacement is appointed Republican John Barrasso. Barrasso responds in the article below, saying that he too wants to protect the area, but worries about the oil companies…

  • As you may know, the Jonah were are talking about here is not the guy eaten by the whale, but a whale of a gas field SW of Pinedale, WY, out in the high desert, or at least what was a desert before it became a vast industrial sacrifice zone. With all the gas leases…

  • It is a bacteria called mycoplasma ovipneumoniae. It is apparently common in domestic sheep and goats, but easily causes fatal pneumonia in bighorn sheep. Story Organism ID’d That May Be Killing Bighorn Sheep. By Keith Ridgler. AP. (as printed in the Seattle Post Intelligencer). “All indications are that the domestics are passing diseases and killing…

  • By Tom Keegan, Idaho Department of Fish and Game A one-year-old bighorn sheep ram that mingled with domestic goats was euthanized Monday, June 25, to prevent the sheep from potentially carrying disease back to the wild herd. Tom Keegan, Salmon regional wildlife manager for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, euthanized the year-old ram…

  • The scientists say: “Speaker after speaker emphasized that the status quo approach was not tenable — conserving sage grouse and sage grouse habitat while also developing the rich gas, oil and coal-bed methane fields of Wyoming.” Industry turns it into: “Ranchers, oil and gas men, biologists, conservationists and state and federal officials are meeting to…

  • The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM)  got 100,000 public comments on their plan to guide oil and gas development in the upper Green River Basin. This is a wildlife rich and highly scenic area. People care about it in Wyoming and outside as well. Story. Most favor conservation for Pinedale management area. By Whitner…

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