
  • I have been reporting for some time about the corruption in the Bush Department of Interior, the major land-management department of the federal government. One of those reported was J. Steven Griles, number two in DOI under Gale Norton. He was recently convicted for has dealings with corrupt lobbying Jack Abramoff. Now he is trying…

  • Warming in the Arctic is proceeding at a dramatic rate. This article describes many changes and dangers. Spring is coming 6-8 days earlier. Arctic spring’s ‘rapid advance BBC News. and earlier Arctic ice no barrier for plants. BBCNews

  • RS 2477 is remnant of the mining law of 1866, which was repealed in 1976 when the Federal Land Policy and Management Act was passed. The intent of rs2477 was to grant access to miners on the public domain way back when, and its purpose had long expired. Nevertheless, some crafty lawyers with help from…

  • Here is another case a lot like the Nevada bobcat case, although it involves animals valued much more highly by the authorities. Terry man admits wildlife conspiracy. By Clair Johnson. Billings Gazette. In both cases a major factor was violation of the Lacey Act, a federal law that backs up state laws regarding the illegal…

  • This is an editorial in the Salt Lake Tribune today. Congress is currently considering a big energy bill. It could end up as bad as what the Republicans proposed (different from a bad Republican bill, but bad just the same). There should be no subsidies for corn ethanol which takes your tax money instead of…

  • Mike Beagle sent these photos of the results of mudbogging trucks in the Greentops of SW Oregon. “The ravine that my son is in was created winter of ’05-’06 as a result of the damage. It did not exist prior. All of this drains into Kanutchan Creek, a seasonal but important summer steelhead spawning trib…

  • Utah man sentenced for poaching Nevada bobcats. The Ely (Nevada) Times. post 1210

  • This is a guest opinion from Writers on the Range published inHeadwaters News. Penalize mud-boggers who rip up the land. By Mike Beagle. June 13, 2007. The essence of the argument is that because law enforcement is sporadic in the hinterlands, these increasingly and deliberately destructive people need to be dealt with harshly in order…

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