
  • Thomas had been expected to soon introduce legislation protecting the Wyoming Range from oil and gas leasing. Now he is dead. Story in the Jackson Hole News and Guide by Cory Hatch. As if to underscore the importance of not granting these leases unless you are willing to see complete field development, the Fish and…

  • Wyoming’s Commissioners of Game and Fish are yet another Wyoming group to weigh in against leasing the wildlife rich and scenic Wyoming Range for natural gas exploration and development. However, a lot of the game is already over. Once a lease is issued, it is a property right. The government has to buy it back…

  • You’ve probably all heard that the President suddenly is interested in climate change and he even wants to have an international conference to set caps on emissions to establish “aspirational goals” on the emission of greenhouse gases. Every week Washington Post’s Dam Froomkin writes a long and detailed column about the White House — White…

  • NASA Administrator Questions Need to Fight Global Warming. By Marc Kaufman. Washington Post Staff Writer. NASA Administrator Michael Griffin says that although global warming is changing Earth’s climate, he’s not convinced that is “a problem we must wrestle with.” The NASA chief — whose agency has come under fire in Congress for cutting several programs…

  • Jason Kauffman wrote a fine story on Copper Basin, a beautiful mountain valley hemmed in between the Pioneer and White Knob Mountains about 20 miles east of Hailey, Idaho. Copper Basin could be Idaho’s Lamar Valley with similar wildlife, and even better scenery, but it has a big problem . . . cows, lots of…

  • Dirk Kempthorne has gotten the President to nominate Jim Caswell to replace Kathleen Clarke as the head (the director) of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Caswell was the head of Kempthone’s Office of Endangered Species when Kempthorne’s was Idaho’s governor and has remained in that position since. During Caswell’s time in the office, most…

  • Outdoor writer Ted Williams has weighed on the “RAT” in a Writers on the Range piece. Writers on the Range: Fees have become a public lands shakedown. By Ted Williams. A search of this blog will bring many more stories how a not very good demonstration project has become much worse as it  was made…

  • Governor Brian Schweitzer, along with Bill Hedstrom, Chair of the Board of Livestock and Christian Mackay, new Executive Officer of the Department of Livestock today called an emergency meeting of the Board of Livestock in light of 7 Montana cows testing positive for the disease brucellosis last week. “This is a very serious issue for…

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