
  • The news about Gov. Gregoire’s deal with the cattle association to put cattle as a “wildife habitat improvement” technique into the state wildlife areas (purchased with public money) for free grazing is now reached westward across the Cascades. Here is a story by Joel Connelly, the well-known columnist at the Seattle Post Intelligencer. “Cattle vs.…

  • This issue of the popular on-going series was written by Ann J. Morgan. Balancing act: How development trumps conservation on our BLM land post 1110

  • If all goes according to plan, Utah will expand electrical production in the next several years by more than 2,000 megawatts. Almost all of it will come from coal-burning power plants, according to the DAQ. Three of the state’s largest plants are slated to expand: Hunter in Emery County, Bonanza in Uintah and IPP in…

  • Disease strikes Idaho fish hatchery, killing 250,000 rainbows. By John Miller. Associated Press.

  • Western Republicans should really take a political hit for this, although they probably won’t. Idaho’s Senator Craig, for example, has been braying how he got money for the rural schools and rural county services (formerly dependent on timber revenues funded). The Bush Administration had wanted to do it by selling off national forest land around…

  • Gov makes good case to protect Wyoming Range. By the Casper Star Tribune Editorial Board. Once the gas companies have a public land oil and gas lease, they have purchased not just the right to drill, but the right to develop; and now they have leases near the Hoback River on the Bridger-Teton National Forest.…

  • Story in the New York Times. A big question is whether the fees will stay at the Parks, or will they be siphoned off, like the Forest Services fees, to do the bidding of industrial recreation groups who want to close minimal campgrounds and herd people into high end developments that separate them from nature.…

  • Barker writes about Idaho farming and the changing climate. He suggests legislation that would pay farmers for “sequestering or capturing carbon in the soil through new farming practices and by planting trees.” I would suggest that one of the most cost effective measures would be to retire public grazing allotments in order to sequester carbon,…

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