
  • The Mining Gazette out of Michingan tells of two men who get two sentences for killing wolves in Michigan. Both wolves were killed on the same day in different places. The two thousand and a bit of probation seems light to me, especially given their listed status – Men sentenced for killing wolves By KURT…

  • The Governor of Wyoming killed water regulations passed by a citizen board aimed at curtailing negative effects of coalbed methane water surges in the state. The board insisted the the methane-water increase in quanitity not implicate the quality of the water. Freudenthal claims the board over-reached. Some folks get upset when judges legislate, how about…

  • Scrapie was the first discovered prion disease. There are those who believe it was the origin of both mad cow disease and chronic wasting disease, including the human variant of mad cow disease. Sheep kill planned after rare disease found. By Kathleen Miller. Associated Press writer post 1053

  • The gas boys are closing in on the Bridger Teton National Forest and people’s homes now. This is a story about the drilling to come at Bondurant, Wyoming. ‘Drilled full of holes?‘ By Whitney Royster. Casper Star Tribune. post 1052

  • Good News! A major Western Democrat is going after the “RAT.” In my view the RAT is just another Bush Administration effort to slowly privatize the public lands. Senator Baucus Berates Recreation Fee Policy. New West. By Bill Schneider. While a number of Western Senators have spoken against the RAT, such as Idaho’s Senator Craig.…

  • A massive escape of methane gas is underway near Baggs, Wyoming as the result of drilling coal-bed methane wells. Coal bed methane is obtained by drilling into the aquifer in a bed of coal. Water rushes out, with lots of dissolved methane. The methane is captured. Very nice, except for the dirty water and now…

  • The new cattle put into a Washington State Wildlife area are posted as a Google Flash video (please rate the video). This is an outrage. These areas were purchased to restore wildlife, and salmon and steelhead habitat using your dollars. Now they have been opened to cattle in some kind of shady deal. Get the cows…

  • The Yukon Environment Department believes the infestation may be due to the warming climate. The winter tick doesn’t hurt elk much, but often greatly weakens moose. Story Winter ticks invade Yukon elk herds. CBC News. post 1037

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