
  • The highest mountain in Wyoming, Gannett Peak, in the Wind River Range is famous for its snowy top and its many glaciers, but they are melting fast. Story in the Jackson Hole News and Guide. post 1031

  • A couple weeks ago I posted a news release from the Nez Perce Tribe how the Forest Service was not living up to their committment (mandated by an earlier court ruling) to keep domestic and bighorn sheep apart in Hells Canyon. Now the Western Watersheds Project has gone to court. Here is their news release.…

  • Outfitter denies wildlife charges. By Billings Gazette Staff. The outfitter was cited for illegally killing and arranging transport of 11 mule deer bucks. Terry man accused of killing eagles. By Billings Gazette Staff. Another man has been charged with killing 3 golden eagles. I had never heard of Terry, Montana until I read this article.…

  • Story in the LA Times. Climate change called a security threat. By Karen Kaplan and Thomas H. Maugh II, Times Staff Writer It is a security threat. It’s a political threat too. You can trace Bush’s decline to the summer of 2005 when Katrina hit, although she only tipped over an edifiice that was already…

  • So far just one place has been saved from all the gas development in the West. It’s the Rocky Mountain Front in Montana. Story in the Great Falls Tribune. Rocky Mountain Front lease agreement starts something good. – – – – Here is the earlier story from Dec. 10, 2006. Rocky Mountain Front (MT) finally…

  • The vast sea of sagebrush in the West has been badly disrupted by livestock grazing, the spread of highly flammable cheat grass, and developments. The sage grouse and many other sagebrush species are in trouble. Story in the Idaho Statesman. post 1023

  • We’ve already seen it in Wyoming. The state is going to be pretty much destroyed and now the energy companies are beating a path to Montana. Bill Schneider sounds the warning from Helena. Red Alert in New West. post 1022

  • The BLM has held public hearings around Sublette County, WY as well as Rock Springs, and the public wants the massive pace of natural gas development slowed. Story in the Casper Star Tribune by Whitney Royster. – – – – Watch the video on the Upper Green River Valley: the view from above. From Skytruth.…

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