
  • It’s kind of sadly amusing that the article says “Today is the last chance for people to comment on a proposal for the Pinedale Anticline that would add up to 4,400 new wells in a part of Sublette County that biologists say is crucial habitat for pronghorn, sage grouse and mule deer.” [boldface mine] As…

  • This is amazing, and check out the quote from the rancher. Idaho shooters target National Guard. By John Miller. AP

  • This blog about the approval of a new Yellowstone snowmobile plan. It is in the Western Watersheds blog. Although there is the perception of strong support for snowmobiles in West Yellowstone, there is actually less than meets the eye. Yes, it provides a lot of winter employment, but many people perceive their presence might be…

  • Much like the proposals to regulate or eliminate elk shooting enclosures in Idaho, which had much public support, but were defeated anyway, efforts in Montana to secure the right to access the streams of the state, which belong to the people, has been killed in the Montana legislature. Much-debated stream access bill tabled. By Charles…

  • How fast on the Anticline? By Whitney Royster. Casper Star-Tribune. The demands of the oil and gas industry are endless and their assurances meaningless, as this vast increase shows. It’s the end of wildlife and clean air in the Green River Basin. Their will be far more gas wells in the county than people (at…

  • Parasites and disease have greatly reduced northern Minnesota moose population. Studies indicate its not hunting or predation, but parasites, disease and malnutrition. These are probably due to the change to a warmer climate. Outdoors: Scientists look for moose clues. By Glen Schmitt. St. Cloud Times outdoors writer

  • This high valley, surrounded by sky-raking mountains for about 330 degrees is one of the most scenic in Idaho if you don’t look down. Link to Google Maps. For a hundred years it has been abused by livestock. The situation is so bad that they even range far above timberline in the adjacent Pioneer Mountains,…

  • In a huge blow to George Bush, the fossil fuel industry, and the backwards-looking US auto industry, the Supreme Court, in a much watched case, has ruled 5-4 that the Clean Air Act “clearly allows the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate carbon dioxide as a form of air pollution.” As we all know, CO2 is…

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