
  • More on the recent drop in public land grazing fees to the minimum rate allowed by law. The federal grazing program also loses money. How can it be justified? Grazing fees drop, but plan’s in the red. By Tony Davis. Arizona Daily Star.

  • The Forest Service and other land management agencies are charging more and more access fees. They say the money is put to work for underfunded recreation programs, but it is now apparent that they actually using the money for other purposes including closing recreational facilities. Bill Schneider exposes them in New West. Now We Know…

  • Global Warming Report: Less Winter in the West? By Dan Whipple. New West. Whipple doesn’t talk about the effect this will have on wildlife. I think it may allow for more winter range for wildlife, with some notable expections such as Yellowstone Park where it will result in wet snow and ice that leaves elk…

  • I warned folks of the dangers of coyote, dog, fox, and wolf scat last September. Article. Now a rare case of  echinococcus granulosus (disseminated tapeworm cysts) has shown up in an elk shot near Paradise Valley north of Yellowstone Park. An anti-wolf group is trying to make it an issue, although among canids the ratio…

  • Yellowstone Park Superintendent Suzanne Lewis is reportedly very happy about the unexpected increase in the proposed budget. Maybe there are no strings attached, but I’m still looking for the privatization angle — will result be “Yellowstone brought to you by Haliburton?” Park officials thrilled about Bush’s proposed budget. By Mike Stark. Billings Gazette. Park plan…

  • Folks have been wondering what these Wyoming state-run feedlots look like. The photo is of the Grays River feedlot, a few miles south of Alpine, WY and near the Idaho border (menace to Idaho elk). This small feedlot is right next to a busy highway and it has a fence on 3 sides. The photo…

  • Time for outdoor enthusiasts to step up and slap down an Administration privatization scheme again. Fortunately Congress is now a lot more unfriendly to overt privatization schemes than a a year ago. Idaho’s Senator Larry Craig rejected the President’s latest privatization scheme today. Story in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Bush again proposes selling off national forest…

  • The alpha male of Mollies Pack has been stricken with mange. While mange has been a persistent problem around the Park to the north in Montana and to east between the Park and Cody, this is the first case in the Park. Story in the Billings Gazette. When a wolf gets mange, it tends to…

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