
  • The Democrats have held their first of undoubtedly many oversight hearings on how the Bush Administration is, well, administering the laws. This is a basic role of Congress that was suppressed during the last 6 years of Republican congressional rule (the minority party in Congress can’t call hearings). Story in New York Times (you can…

  • WASHINGTON (AP) — Later this week in Paris, climate scientists will issue a dire forecast for the planet that warns of slowly rising sea levels and higher temperatures. But that may be the sugarcoated version. USA Today. Now that even George Bush is conceding there is global warming, and a “conclusive” report to be out…

  • The Wyoming Range is a beautiful and wildlife-rich mountain range in SW Wyoming. Some folks might think this storyline might be a reference to rangeland in the state of Wyoming. No it is the name of a mountain range 70 miles long and about 25 miles wide. At the headwaters of Lunch Creek and the…

  • This is from the Huffington Post on Al Gore’s talk in Boise. This is perhaps a bit more balanced than the Idaho Statesman? Anyway that’s why blogs have grown. People want more news and all sides of the news. We were not getting it from the corporate media. . . . and here is more…

  • This article in the Idaho Statesman by Rocky Barker is about Al Gore speaking to huge crowd in Boise today juxtaposed with weather events in Idaho over the last ten years and the views of some Idaho politicians. Al Gore brings his take on climate change to Boise today. By Rocky Barker. Related. CEOs ask…

  • This is to think about, when you consider the impact of the proposed Cline Mine, in British Columbia few miles north of the border from Montana. You don’t have to go to Canada to find the Canadian mining companies polluting and damaging. Mercury vapor evaporates from the 30-some odd big gold pit mines in northern…

  • Here is in interesting story, especially since Erin Miller posts to this forum. Idaho Elk Breeders on the Offense. New West. By Bill Schneider Previous story on Camo Day. Jan. 17. Jan. 25, 2007 Update. Wild Bill has additional thoughts on this. Humane Society, Idaho Sportsmen, and Game Farmers: A Strange Affair. By Bill Schneider.…

  • A giant open pit coal mine is proposed in British Columbia just north of Montana close to Glacier National Park. I have linked to articles about this proposal for years, but now the reality of the mine is much more solid. The coal would be shipped to China. There are already similiar mines to the…

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