
  • While many private lands are being sub-divided, many ranches simply have most of the livestock removed and the land is reclaimed for fish and wildlife around Greater Yellowstone as folks with a new perspective move in. The picture is more complicated, however. Mike Starks reports in the Billings Gazette on a study just completed on…

  • See article in the Billings Gazette by Mike Stark. Yellowstone Park has signed up Montana State University and the University of California at Davis to study and monitor wildlife diseases that beset the Park or threaten to. It is called the Yellowstone Wildlife Health Program. Wildlife diseases have long been an interest to me as…

  • Dear Buffalo Friends, As the buffalo fall migration begins, your tax dollars have been hard at work this week with Department of Livestock (DOL) agents out scouring the landscape for “rougue” buffalo. Of course, any that they find they will attempt to chase back into Yellowstone National Park. As luck would have it, the buffalo…

  • It ‘s a case of buyer’s remorse. Oregon voters were suckered into passing a proposition like that before ten states this November, only Oregon did it in 2004. Now the state’s much praised land use lies in ruins and the Oregon taxpayers owe billions of dollars to developers whose “rights” were taken away by sound,…

  • “In Montana, we said it’s a bad idea to pen up a bunch of elk, feed them oats and have fat bankers from New York City shoot them while they’ve got their heads in a grain bucket,” Schweitzer said Wednesday during an interview in the Boise offices of The Associated Press.

  • Brodie Farquhar is writing in New West about the snowmobiles in Yellowstone, which are supposed to be much quieter now with their 4-stroke engines. I didn’t realize this, but the Park is going to have yet another comment period on snowmobiles. This time it is on a draft environmental impact statement that will be released…

  • In the past five years, the Bush administration has leased 35 million acres of federal land for oil and gas drilling — the equivalent of 15 Yellowstone National Parks. It’s wrecking the West. It’s violating the law — courts have held the government ignored the National Environmental Policy Act’s requirement to weigh environmental consequences of…

  • There are many copycat measures in other states. I have heard of almost no non-paid support for prop 2, which would by trick not only take away the protection you get from zoning but defeat efforts to conserve open space all over the West. The features in Prop 2 on “takings” have no historical basis…

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