
  • Drilling for gas on The Mesa (Pinedale Anticline). Pinedale, WY and Wind River Mountains in the background. Photo by Ralph Maughan. One well takes up a fair amount of space and disturbance. Over 3000 wells are planned in the Green River Basin beneath these mountains.

  • A bull elk from the Pine Mountain “Ranch” in Eastern Idaho has escaped. It was shot by state officials after wandering about 10 miles. The ranch said they didn’t know the 7-point antlered bull was missing. Earlier 160 or so domestic elk broke out of another Eastern Idaho shooter elk operation, making international news. Read…

  • We’ve all seen on TV and printed ads how sensitive about the land the oil industry is. They drill many wells from just one pad, avoiding surfance disturbance. If the land cannot bear any suface occupancy, they drill at an angle under it (called “directional drilling”). Yes, they can do these things, just like it…

  • There has been a sudden realization that the massive industrialization of Wyoming’s open spaces by the natural gas industry is making a wrenching change to the state’s outdoor heritage — its clean air, vistas, wildlife. Today there were numerous newspaper stories on the seemingly unstoppable conquest of Wyoming by the petroleum industry. ‘We’re going to…

  • Here is the AP article. The article says the “president of Americans with Disabilities Access Alliance, is looking for a crowd of off-roaders to drive . . . ” The idea is to get some tickets and challenge them in court, but I want to comment on another aspect of this. For years, off-road vehicle…

  • “Buffaloed” asked if I would post this. Buffaoled puts two issues together in way that makes sense to me. Ralph Maughan – – – – Freudenthal to Idaho: Ban Game Farms While I agree with Wyoming Governor Freudenthal’s call for closing of game farms in Idaho it reminds me of this article from back in…

  • This is from a news release today from the University of Wyoming. It is interesting that the rouge prions don’t show up in in the hearts of mule deer. There is of yet little evidence that CWD can jump from cervids to humans like mad cow did from cattle to humans. Nevertheless, I would be…

  • There is a lot of talk about the Jonah “in-fill.” I quickly found it on Google Earth — photos of the gas field before the in-fill. This gives some idea of the degree to which this wipes out wildlife habitat. Search around on Google Earth and you will quickly see this is just a small…

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