
  • The Ethiopian wolf will greatly benefit from the rabies vaccination of as few as 30% of their population. Story in the UK Independent. 10/12/06. Here is the abstact of the article, “Low-coverage vaccination strategies for the conservation of endangered species.”

  • In recent years, mange has grown as a problem for wolves of the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem, both in Montana and Wyoming, although none has been seen inside Yellowstone Park itself. A recent query posted to this blog asked about current conditions, so I contacted Mike Jimenez of USFWS and Carolyn Sime, Jon Trapp, and Liz…

  • The Jonah gas field is huge. It sits in the Green River Basin between the two splendid mountains ranges, the Wind Rivers and the Wyoming Range. It also damages winter range in the Basin. This area had pristine air just several years back, but the “in-fill,” i.e., filling in of Jonah, may push the air…

  • However, Bill Schneider argues that his heroic status is purely inadvertent. Read the column in New West.

  • Wolves continually disperse southward in Wyoming following the drainages like the Greys River and the flanks of the Wyoming Range and the Salt River Range. Most, but not all, run into lots of livestock, especially sheep as they get further south, and the wolves disappear. Here, from last summer, is a band of sheep getting…

  • No wonder this always fatal disease keeps spreading and spreading among the deer and elk of Wyoming, Colorado and into other states. A   s c a r y   p o r t e n t It’s fortunate mad cow disease is not spread this way! Read about it in the Jackson Hole Star Tribune. “Study…

  • “The rulings come at a time when an emerging bipartisan coalition of Western politicians, hunters, anglers and homeowners has joined conservation groups in objecting to the rapid pace and environmental consequences of Bush administration policies for energy extraction on federal land.” Read about it in the Washington Post (via the Casper Star Tribune). Related: Interior…

  • After almost every forest fire, there is a push for salvage logging based on the idea that the forest is destroyed, so some of its former value needs to be captured. Folks who have watched salvage logging know that instead, the practice often introduces weed seeds, actually sets back forest regrowth and loses money too.…

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