Wildlife Disease

  • Two dead bighorns could be a big threat to East Fork Bitterroot Herd- The article says they have no knowledge that these bighorn encountered domestic sheep, but there are “isolated herds in the area.” Dying bighorn sheep. Herd to be culled. By Perry Backus.  Ravalli Republic This is a large and successful bighorn herd.

  • Could predation slow the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease? A study conducted in Colorado, where chronic wasting disease (CWD) has become widespread among deer and elk, indicates that mountain lions prey selectively on infected individuals over healthy deer. I think that healthy populations of large carnivores like wolves and mountain lions could help slow the…

  • After her suspension and all the evidence against her claims from the very laboratory she supervised, this is amazing. New, longer version of the story. Suspended UI prof repeats sheep claims in journal. By John Miller.  Associated Press Writer. – – – – The blog has posted many articles about Bulgin her discredited claims that…

  • 27 % decline in 2008 will be followed by another decline in ’09- At the end of 2007 there were 171 wolves that lived primarily inside Yellowstone Park, but very high pup mortality due to disease (distemper) along with the natural attrition of adult and sub-adult wolves caused a 27% decline (124 wolves). Disease had…

  • Botulism outbreak at American Falls Reservoir is slowing down after a massive kill- Die-offs due to botulism are often the result of standing, shallow, deoxygenated water on top of what are usually mud flats in late season. This is the indirect effect of the wet year in SE Idaho. Less water was needed from the…

  • They read the article in Nature we posted last week! Feces on feedgrounds could spread wasting disease. Officials call for phaseout of feeding elk herds. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide. At least we heard from some groups and officials about the direct implications of the study in Nature, but what about this…

  • Bitterroot Valley resident tracks growing deformities by examining road kill- New West has a story today about the likely effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on deer.  Bitterroot Rebel With a Cause. Genetic, Genital Damage in Montana Wildlife? (bad link is now fixed). By Joan Melcher. New West. Almost half of the bucks had structural abnormalities.

  • It’s in their droppings, and the infectious prions never go away! Really, really bad news about chronic wasting disease.  Study Spells Out Spread of Brain Illness in Animals. By Sandra Blakeslee. New York Times. “Dr. Aiken said prions tended to bind to clay in soil and to persist indefinitely. When deer graze on infected dirt,…

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