Wildlife Disease

  • Rocky Barker notes this morning the Western Watersheds now is busy trying to prevent the transmission of disease from domestic to wild sheep in Arizona. . . . some important additional information. WWP now has an office in Arizona. . . also an office in Montana (Missoula), and Wyoming, Utah and California. They have several…

  • Ridiculous lawsuit to show who is boss over everything and everyone in Montana is being heard today. Montana Stockgrowers Association is suing to make sure bison are removed from the Horse Butte, which is devoid of cattle, by May 15th of each year. They would force the State of Montana to violate private property rights…

  • More marching ahead down the road to elk disaster- Court rules for feedlots. By Cory Hatch, Jackson Hole Daily

  • Woolgrowers try to spin the decision to muddy the waters on Bighorn/Domestic sheep disease U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill has voided the Payette National Forest Science Advisory Committee’s contribution to management decisions when it decides whether or not to ban or reduce domestic sheep grazing on the Payette National Forest. Federal judge voids bighorn…

  • Buffalo Field Campaign Yellowstone Bison Update from the Field June 18, 2009 —————————— —————————— In this issue: * Update from the Field – Four Bulls Killed by Agents * Our Friend Frog: BFC Celebrates His Life, Mourns His Passing * Last Words * Kill Tally

  • Conflict of interest results in suppressed study ? Note: a more robust story than initially has been linked to below Marie Bulgin is Coordinator of the University of Idaho’s Caine Veterinary Teaching and Research Center, a prominent research facility that has investigated potential links between domestic sheep disease and bighorn die-offs. At the same time…

  • New state law on bighorn undermines the working group process, tribe says- This is good news about the sorry situation. Everyone should quit this group set up to make it appear that the Otter Administration gives a damn about bighorn. Bad news! And on top of this a bighorn mixed with domestic sheep (on private…

  • The federal report this week is A LOT more interesting than usual (e.g., YNP wolf chases bicycles, motorcycles, etc.)- This is the wolf weekly news put out by USFWS because Wyoming can’t manage wolves. Be sure to read the “monitoring” and “control” sections. – – – – – – – – Update: There is essentially…

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