Wildlife Disease

  • All “the action” was at Horse Butte west of the Park- They were going to let 25 of what I sarcastically called “cyberbison” use the CUT (Church Universal and Triumphant)  land north of Yellowstone Park, but there was no northward migration this winter. Ranch land for bison sees no activity first year. By Daniel Person.…

  • Whatever happened to the vaunted new May 15 tolerance date? Supposedly it would be different this spring. Bison would allowed to migrate out of the Park and onto Horse Butte free from harassment until at least May 15. The reality is pretty much like recent years. Brutal Montana Department of Livestock agents and Yellowstone Park…

  • From Buffalo Field Campaign’s Update from the Field It has been an intense week for buffalo. BFC volunteers are out in the field and on the road with the buffalo nearly 24 hours a day. If you are able to join us on the front lines, please see our call for volunteers below. The buffalo…

  • Mexican CAFOs are an excellent mixing bowl for new flu viruses- Well it looks like we’re in for some fun and games with a novel strain of influenza. Hopefully it won’t kill too many of us, and maybe a lesson will be learned (don’t count on either). There is a lengthy article on this in…

  • If SB1175 is signed into law collaborative group may collapse Today there was meeting of the Idaho Bighorn Sheep/Domestic Sheep Advisory Group which ended early due to concerns of various groups about how Senate Bill 1175 will affect what the group does. At the present time SB1175 is awaiting Governor Otter’s signature or veto and…

  • “It correctly constructs in the public eye the clash of values we are experiencing” Rocky Barker interviews Jon Marvel (my boss) of Western Watersheds Project about the recent bill SB 1175 which requires the IDFG to kill bighorn sheep that enter domestic sheep grazing allotments. “The legislature is creating a trap for ranchers and the…

  • Consumers of “health supplement” may be at risk, study says- Protein linked to wasting disease found in elk antler velvet.  Consumers of health supplement may be at risk, study says.  By Hanneke Brooymans. The Edmonton Journal.

  • Bill passes key State Senate committee 7-2- The bighorn is in big trouble in Idaho with the population dropping from 6,500 in 1990 to about 3,500 today. One full curl bighorn ram can be worth as much as an entire band of sheep. Bill would prohibit bighorns in sheep grazing areas. AP In an April…

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