Wildlife Disease

  • Yesterday I posted a review (with a little help from the Idaho Attorney General’s Office) about Idaho Senate Bill 1124, an anti-wildlife bill sponsored by rancher Monty Pearce that seeks to punish bighorn-sheep conservation efforts. Today, the Idaho state Senate Resources & Environment Committee considered another anti-bighorn sheep attempt.  RS18882 was draft legislation, introduced to…

  • A Review of Idaho Senate Bill 1124 Earlier I wrote about a member of the Idaho legislator and livestock rancher, Monty Pearce, who has recently taken aim at bighorn sheep conservation and restoration efforts in response to a sheepman’s call for special treatment from the Idaho legislature.  This after the Payette National Forest’s proposal to drastically reduce his…

  • Is it a huge predator with big fangs and claws? The Most Dangerous Animal of Grand Canyon National Park. Christian Espanol. Examiner.com (Boise, ID)

  • Wolf population has dropped by 27% in Yellowstone. Distemper devastates Yellowstone wolves. Powell Tribune

  • I’m glad we answered that question. Wolves brucellosis-free. By Angus M. Thuermer Jr. Jackson Hole News and Guide

  • Idaho Sheep Ranchers are Struggling Against Reality. The law and science are not on their side so they are pressuring the State to come up with a solution to protect them. On Thursday February 26th the second meeting of what is being called the “Bighorn Sheep/Domestic Sheep Advisory Group” was held in Boise. At this…

  • However it is only up to 11 of about 50-55 wolves that now inhabit Jackson Hole- Federal wolf manager for Wyoming, Mike Jimenez, says the Antelope Pack, which inhabits the central area of Jackson Hole has contracted mange. On various days as many as 4 additional wolf packs can be in or very near Jackson…

  • Sheep Ranchers Claim Paying Minimum Wage to Workers Would Put them Out of Business. This is an important article : In Loneliness, Immigrants Tend the Flock – The New York Times * Also, check out Captive Labor. Environmental Costs Domestic sheep ranching on public land is subsidized in many ways – environmental costs associated with…

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