Wildlife Disease

  • This method of hunting is rather difficult to enforce. “You’re not going to have some bubba up there going, `Pass me a beer and ammo’ and hunting some hogs,” the legislator said. “We certainly want to do it right.” Many are concerned that the temptation to shoot other animals by some who might engage in…

  • Your Comments Are Needed by March 3, 2009! Wild bighorn sheep are native to North America, and once numbered in the millions. But their numbers have drastically declined to just a few thousand. The biggest threat wild bighorns face is disease from domestic sheep. Most experts agree that when wild and domestic sheep come into…

  • Scientific study pretty much says Interagency Bison Management Plan (IBMP) is a waste of money- For those of us not connected with the cattle industry the results of this paper coming out in the Journal of Applied Ecology are hardly surprising, but for the cattle bureaucrats it should be a real wake up call. Study:…

  • Infected moose may have been an anomaly- Wyoming’s ungulates herds in NW Wyoming, including Yellowstone Park may have dodged the CWD bullet for now. Wyoming Game and Fish may still have a short time to do away with wintertime elk feeding. Of course, they won’t. Story: Good news for elk? Agency finds no further chronic…

  • They say it won’t hurt you, but . . . Elk Meat Recalled. Boise Examiner.

  • This will certainly take down the great bears and orca– The irony is that B.C. did not dam its salmon streams like the United States did. Silent Fall. Posted By: Chris Genovali. B.C.’s vanishing wild salmon means trouble for all. Monday Magazine. . . . more Saving Wild Salmon, in Hopes of Saving the Orca.…

  • Latest report says mange too is now hitting the Yellowstone Park Wolves- Ed Bangs just sent out the Wyoming wolf report. It is below. I cut off the redundant “blah, blah” about delisting, etc. that is at the outset of every report. The key is news is that mange it now hitting Yellowstone Park wolves.…

  • 25- 100 bison to be allowed to wander north of YNP this winter- Most folks will remember this, but if not, last winter a very expensive deal with made to allow a limited number of bison to leave Yellowstone near Gardiner to wander northward. The female bison will be fitted with vaginal transmitters to warm…

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