Wildlife Disease

  • Anthrax NW of Yellowstone now killing wildlife. Bozeman Chronicle. By Jessica Mayrer The anthrax that has killed about 250 of Ted Turner’s bison is now killing deer and elk in the area. When I think of this and Montana Department of Livestock’s single-minded focus on brucellosis, it makes me furious. Apparently the anthrax was dormant…

  • Elk feedlots spread disease – including chronic wasting disease.  The National Elk Refuge wouldn’t be such a tourist attraction with the lot suffering a widespread infection. Wildlife disease debate: To act or to react? – Jackson Hole News & Guide Wyoming only monitors spread of chronic wasting disease while some call for action.

  • More of Turner’s bison die in anthrax outbreak. By The Associated Press

  • We have been writing about his since 2006 on this blog. Recently, I linked to a site I named “How Now, Mad Cow“on my blogroll. RM Mysterious, fatal disease bound for elk feedgrounds. A cousin of mad cow, chronic wasting disease is a worry for Jackson Hole’s wildlife economy. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News…

  • Three-state talks focus on brucellosis strategy. Veterinarians from Montana, Wyoming, Idaho meeting Friday in Helena. By The Associated Press This is a chance for a big change, but where are the wildlife people?  My experience with the state vets is that they are beholden to the cattle industrye. Therefore, they have a very narrow perspective.…

  • The important lawsuit to rid the National Elk Refuge of artificial winter feeding of elk is underway. This article in the Jackson Hole Star Tribune touches on the testimony of two experts, one on each side. If as the interest group, Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife claims, closing feedgrounds will cause elk to transmit brucellosis…

  • Brucellosis again in Wyoming, and, surprise, surprise, most likely from the nearby elk winter feedlot. Brucellosis in Montana too, for the first time in a long while. it came from either elk or other cattle. So what’s the government’s brucellosis policy directed toward? — killing thousands of bison. Story in the Casper Star Tribune (with usual the…

  • The New York Times details a recent lawsuit filed yesterday by environmentalists to stop the feedlot-like conditions of the National Elk Refuge in Wyoming. Suit Opposes Elk Feeding in Wyoming – New York Times. By Jim Robbins. The spread of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) threatens wildlife given its recent proximity to the “refuge” and is…

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