Wildlife Disease

  • Too many elk and not enough tough love in Wyoming. By Jeff Welsch. Writers on the Range.

  • Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) has spread from white-tailed deer to wild elk and the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment makes no press release. Wasting Disease found in Sask. wild elk – The Edmonton Journal That CWD has crossed from white-tailed deer to wild elk is alarming enough, but it also raises concern about the potential for…

  • Wyoming’s Elk feedlots were kept open a month longer than usual. Managers of the National Elk Refuge are looking to expand the hunt and irrigate the feedlot saying that doing so will disperse the animals, reducing the disease potential. No mention of natural predators or preservation/restoration of the herds’ natural winter range. Alfalfa pellets. Winter…

  • Close Elk Feedgrounds Before It’s Too Late. By Brodie Farquhar. Wyomingfile.com

  • Good for the Greater Yellowstone Coalition on this! This alert gives the information and allows you to send an easy eletter against yet another disease-spreading elk feedlot in the Gros Ventre River drainage (of course, your completely personalized letter is always better).

  • While it doesn’t directly address “the deal,” “the breakthrough,” the NYT just printed The Sorry Myth of Brucellosis. The editorial is about Wyoming, not bison and Montana, but the media are starting to notice the connection between brucellosis and the dominance of the livestock industry.

  • Robert Hoskins has a very good guest column in New West today (Feb. 7, 2008). The True Cost of Brucellosis. I fixed the link. RM

  • Groups unhappy with Idaho Fish and Game’s bighorn plan. By Sven Berg. South Idaho Press. The plan was forced on Idaho Fish and Game by politicians and domestic sheep interests. If anyone thinks Idaho will do a good job managing wolves, look at the bighorn sheep issue (an animal everyone likes except for some livestock…

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