Wildlife Disease

  • Hunters advised on bluetongue death toll. By Mark Henckel. Billings Gazette Outdoor Editor

  • BE posted about this earlier. Here we have yet another livestock disease threatening wildlife. Bluetongue hit north central Idaho deer hard a couple years ago. Hard frost will kill the insects that spread it. Waiting for Frost: Bluetongue Appears in Montana Livestock and Wildlife.  New West. Kisha Lewellyn Schlege

  • This new bison hunt is controversial, but I see as necessary in the short run because of the continued winter feeding of elk in Wyoming, which by default also means feeding bison in the winter. It is controversial because it is hardly a hunt. It is a herd reduction measure. The Yellowstone bison are not…

  • Bluetongue is a disease carried by livestock which has been found to be spreading into game populations, killing antelope and white-tail deer. Montana has confirmed two deaths caused by the disease, and flights indicate a significant amount of dead animals: “Bluetongue can affect wildlife, and we got testing results back on our first two animals…

  • Maryland Family Fights Off Bear. 134-Pound Sow Is First to Test Positive for Rabies in State. By Joe Holley. Washington Post.

  • The judge ruled Wyoming’s program to test elk for brucellosis before they enter a winter feedlot (and kill the elk if it tests positive for brucellosis anti-bodies) was not an arbitrary and capricious decision. Indeed that legal standard is a high bar (that a government program is arbitrary and capricious). Livestock groups were happy because…

  • WWPblog has a story about many of the threats to sage grouse. Here’s a link to the West Nile concerns This just goes to show how important rehab efforts after the fire will be to get these birds, and a host of other wildlife, proper habitat. Siberian wheat-grass, another non-native very similar to Crested Wheat,…

  • This is the time to contact Governor Schweitzer asking for bison habitat, especially since Republican Montana congressman Dennis Rehburg shot down an effort in Congress to provide it. I’d think the Democratic governor would want to knock of this obstreperous retrograde Republican holdover. _________________ Here is the BFC update. In this issue: * Update from…

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