Wildlife Disease

  • They haven’t found any reason why the cattle at Bridger, Montana turned up with brucellosis. They know it wasn’t bison. But, they can’t just let scientific investigation run its course. They have to kill something. So tomorrow they will be rounding up the approximately 250 bison that keep leaving Yellowstone Park to feast on the…

  • Unraveling brucellosis source isn’t simple matter. By Mark Stark. Billings Gazette. In other news, or lack of it, Idaho media continue to be uninterested in the brucellosis story despite Idaho’s loss of brucellosis free status and a number of recent public meetings on rules to help regain that supposedly coveted status.

  • Here is the latest news as reported by the Bozeman Chronicle. By Scott McMillion. The infected cattle at Bridger, Montana, might have originated from near Emigrant (closer to Yellowstone Park, but still not an area where they would ever encounter bison). [Governor] Schweitzer said last week that it doesn’t appear the infected herd ever commingled…

  • Well surprise, brucellosis has actually shown up in Montana livestock, and it didn’t come from bison. The news article says there is a possible link to elk. Well duh! Elk passed brucellosis to cattle in Wyoming and Idaho, and both states lost their “brucellosis free status.” I predicted it for years, while they were yelling…

  • Disease strikes Idaho fish hatchery, killing 250,000 rainbows. By John Miller. Associated Press.

  • This sounds very serious. It could spread. Ebola-like virus killing fish in Great Lakes. USA Today. By Dennis Cauchon. post 1072

  • Scrapie was the first discovered prion disease. There are those who believe it was the origin of both mad cow disease and chronic wasting disease, including the human variant of mad cow disease. Sheep kill planned after rare disease found. By Kathleen Miller. Associated Press writer post 1053

  • The Yukon Environment Department believes the infestation may be due to the warming climate. The winter tick doesn’t hurt elk much, but often greatly weakens moose. Story Winter ticks invade Yukon elk herds. CBC News. post 1037

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