Wildlife Disease

  • Wild salmon are having a hard enough time without the menace of disease and parasite spreading salmon farms. British Columbia is the number one offender, as the host of a large number of these farms in the ocean. A robust University of Alberta study on the effects of salmon farms and wild salmon spell out…

  • Here in more on the on-going story of the escaped domestic elk in Eastern Idaho. After a series of confrontations with hunters in the special hunt to kill the escaped domestic elk, Rex Rammell was arrested yesterday after a confrontation with Idaho Fish and Game officers. He is free on bail. Story in the Idaho…

  • Chronic wasting disease has not shown up in Montana’s deer and elk, but Montana FWP isn’t waiting. They are setting up a program and procedure how to deal with it when, or if it shows up in Montana. Read article.

  • Governor Schweitzer talked a good story how he was going change this long conflict, but he has been a big disappointment. Here is the latest news release from the Buffalo Field Campaign.

  • Exasperation builds over escaped elk. Owner clashes with hunter, landowner as neighbors criticize condition of herd and delays in rounding up escapees. By Rocky Barker, Idaho Statesman.

  • What Idaho officials say and what Rex Rammell says seem to differ greatly. Article in the Times-News

  • This is really a big issue. It keeps evolving and more editorials are being written. “State OKs special hunt for escaped farm elk. Concern over disease prompts decision; hunters and property owners from [Hunting] Unit 64 will do most of the culling.” By Roger Phillips. Read Idaho Statesman article. “Wild Bill:” “Game Farms: Will We…

  • The Missoulian has an editorial. “Game-farm breakout highlights risks.” “SUMMARY: Montana clamped down on game farms, but risks persist right across the Idaho line.” So does the Idaho Statesman. “Our View: Elk escape shouldn’t tarnish industry.” The Stateman says most elk farms follow the rules and boost the economy, but the editorial says “canned hunts”…

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