Wildlife Disease

  • The msm Media just aren’t buying the scare tactics- “I believe that there are some who wish it … to be the silver bullet to remove the wolf,” said state Sen. Bruce Tutvedt, R-Kalispell. “And it isn’t going to work.” Read the rest in “State deals with worries over worms” in the Daily InterLake. By…

  • Dr. Norman Bishop reports on the testimony- I think the recent controversy over one kind of tapeworm that infests wolves and other canids and which can cause a secondary infection in other animals, including people, is mostly hot air meant to scare. However, in response to the controversy the Montana Environmental Quality Council held a…

  • Respected wildlife vet says reintroduced wolves had no tapeworms when they were brought down from Canada- The anti-wolf fringe is working 26-hours a day trying to scare people about wolves and tapeworms. The media has hardly bothered to cover them, so with each news release they get more extreme. They are having a rally at…

  • Most common tick borne disease has mostly spared interior Western states- Lyme disease hits Lehi. Wildlife officials will likely begin canvassing for ticks that carry disease. By Kirsten Stewart. The Salt Lake Tribune. Unhappy news. I know several folks on this forum have contracted Lyme Disease during their outdoor adventures.

  • Disease so far seems limited in area- Jackson bighorn sheep herd showing signs of pneumonia. Pinedale Online. From Wyoming Game and Fish

  • Here is something more for our tapeworm-fearing friends to worry about, though it’s doubtful they will- Emerging Tick-Borne Disease. ScienceDaily

  • Brain disease is already established in Utah deer- Utah’s large moose population seems to be free of this spongiform encephalopathy so far. Chronic wasting disease claims 1st Utah elk.  By Brett Prettyman. The Salt Lake Tribune

  • Disease Kills NE Utah Bighorn. AmmoLand.com

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