Wildlife Disease

  • Four Montana herds, two in Washington plagued by disease- Here is another update on the pneumonia killing  so many bighorn. The article also gives the total estimated bighorn populations of Idaho, Montana, and Washington. Hard times hit area bighorns. By Rich Landers. Spokesman-Review. “The Payette National Forest [in Western Idaho] recently released a draft proposal…

  • Both upper and lower Rock Creek herds are now infected- Worse, the terrain is too rough in lower Rock Creek to cull the herd. It appears that over 400 bighorn are at risk. Well over a hundred have already be culled. Others have just died on their own. Pneumonia confirmed in Upper Rock Creek bighorn…

  • Here is the story how mange came to be in the Northern Rockies- There has been a lot of discussion of mange in this forum lately, including one thread that got out of hand. Fortunately,  Mike Stark of the Billings Gazette wrote a story about it in 2007. Mange in the mountains. Disease used to…

  • Montana official says it boils down to anti-wolf propaganda- This is about the 4th time I have written about Echinococcus granulosus, but here is more information. It made the news in the Bozeman Chronicle today. “Tapeworm in wolves causes stir, but biologists say there’s little to fear.” By Daniel Person. This week the Montana State…

  • Pneumonia in bighorn has now spread to Rock Creek- It just keeps getting worse for the bighorn hit by the pneumonia outbreak near Missoula. Bighorn sheep in Rock Creek latest hit by fatal pneumonia outbreak. By Rob Chaney. Missoulian.

  • This cougar was the fifth plague victim in recent years in the Greater Yellowstone- Well-known female cougar dies from plague. Carcass found in Grand Teton National Park. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide. The plague is generally carried by rodents. I wonder how common it is among the rodents of the Greater Yellowstone.

  • Source of disease is unclear. The bighorn sheep in Central Washington’s Yakima River Canyon are dying of pneumonia. It appears likely that ODFW officials will try to stop the epidemic by killing the infected animals so that they won’t infect healthy bighorns. Two Stories Big decision on bighorns Scientists may have to thin the herd…

  • Despite brucellosis and chronic wasting disease, they can’t seem to kick this bad habit- Wyoming group donates hay to feed elk this winter. AP in the Billings Gazette.

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