
  • Another boulder is set to tumble down and smash things- Massive rolling boulder rocks town of Rockville, UT. Buildings, vehicles damaged; another rock unstable. By Mark Havnes. The Salt Lake Tribune. In the comments to this article in the SL Trib, one person wondered if folks looked uphill before they built?  I have often wondered…

  • If so, post the URL, name of the story and the newspaper, magazine, etc. it comes from and a few of your thoughts- This idea came from Ron Kearns. Others thought it might be a good idea. It  may be a way to avoid the pitfalls of an open forum. Let’s try it. Note that…

  • These 2 were not as lucky as the Idaho counters/wolf darters- Fish and Wildlife plane crash in Oregon kills 2. News-Times.com. AP

  • Forest Service will cave to Idaho Fish and Game’s plan to grossly abuse the concept of Wilderness- Even though 90% of the comments received were opposed to Idaho Fish Game’s plan to violate the Wilderness Act because they want a better count of the number of wolves in the Frank Church Wilderness, this week the…

  • It caused earthquakes! Geothermal Project in California Is Shut Down. By James Glanz. New York Times. The person who emailed this story to me wrote, “Boy – If you’ve ever read a geothermal EA to destroy the nearest hot springs  – BLM never says anything about the earthquakes …” – – – – – I…

  • This is for open discussion.

  • Scientists confirm 500-mile finger of molten rock under Yellowstone- Park’s giant magma plume eating up mountains. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole Daily. Actually the hot spot is probably stationary. The apparent surface movement is due to the North American plate drifting to the southwest over the spot. The new information (at least to me) that…

  • Restoration proposal would cover more than 600 acres, bring back streamside vegetation- Wildlife habitat keeps getting better in the Gros Ventre river drainage. Gros Ventre habitat plan would help swans. Halpin restoration proposal would cover more than 600 acres, bring back streamside vegetation. By Angus M. Thuermer. Jackson Hole News and Guide

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