
  • Elk numbers depend not just on birth minus mortality, but on square miles of area where they can find something to eat- There are many places in the West where elk could live and thrive if they had something to eat, but they don’t. Livestock is the reason. Aside from those areas of continuous forest…

  • For their body size, tigers have bigger brains than African lions- Are tigers ‘brianier’ than lions? Science Daily

  • I wonder if music could be composed that elk enjoy? More likely would be wolves- Wired Magazine. Monkeys Don’t Go For Music — Unless It’s Made for Them. By Hadley Leggett

  • Most people won’t be surprised, but there are those who try to scare us about wolves, bear, and cougar- Top five most dangerous creatures in Elko County. By Julie Wooton. Elko Daily Free Press. I didn’t know about the harvester ant.

  • Critics say it will result in dust storms on Utah’s Wasatch Front- The plan to drain water out of the desert on Utah/Nevada border and pipe it south to fuel urban sprawl around Las Vegas has been made public. Proposed Utah, Nevada water accord could clear the way for Snake Valley pipeline. Water sharing »…

  • This is the first time in quite a while to hear a serious proposal to increase funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund- Report urges investing billions in natural treasures. Federal government » Interior secretary says in times of difficulty we look to our landscapes for greatness. By Thomas Burr. The Salt Lake Tribune.…

  • It’s much cheaper and takes less time than learning to play guitar- From the Washington Post. It’s Made of 100% Cotton; Its Sales Are 99% Ironic. By Mike Musgrove. It looks like this is going viral. Look at Amazon.com

  • The collared sub-adult male was traveling with a second smaller wolf near Baker- News Story: Wolf collared, then released, near Baker City. Written by Jayson Jacoby. Baker City Herald. – – – – – – – Oregon Fish and Game News Release. Wolf radio-collared and released in eastern Oregon LA GRANDE, Ore. – A joint…

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