
  • Brucellosis again in Wyoming, and, surprise, surprise, most likely from the nearby elk winter feedlot. Brucellosis in Montana too, for the first time in a long while. it came from either elk or other cattle. So what’s the government’s brucellosis policy directed toward? — killing thousands of bison. Story in the Casper Star Tribune (with usual the…

  • Earthquake swarm picks up again in northern Nevada. By Martin Griffith. AP. Video: Reno Earthquakes Return, Rattle Residents, Sways High-Rises. National Ledger. You can follow earthquakes as they occur at USGS’s Latest Earthquakes.

  • SUVs were the equivalent of the long, low, automobiles with tail fins and “port holes” in their sides of the 1960s — a waste of resources that, in the end, greatly damaged the American economy, the environment, and will hardly be missed. GM Finally Admits SUVs Are a Dead-End. Wired.

  • I just got home from nine days exploring the nearly empty backcountry of Nevada. It was time to get into the outdoors. Spring finally arrived for a week, and it was time to get away from the Dark Ages political regime that currently rules Idaho. While in Nevada I didn’t have access to the Internet,…

  • It’s the season.  Bighead clover in Atremisia rigida sites. Photograph © Katie Fite 2008

  • From what I understand, agencies discourage the photography of permitted ‘control’ actions – especially among private individuals permitted to kill the predators. As we see here and from what we have seen in the past, it appears that sometimes folk just can’t help themselves. WWPblog has posted these photos of a wolf apparently legally killed…

  • After initially denying Boise a public meeting, instead opting for a meeting in Nampa, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game has had a change of heart and will be soliciting public input in Boise. No word as to whether a meeting will be held in Blaine County. This has been enough of a problem…

  • Do Elk Feedgrounds Violate Public Trust? By Deb Donahue.* Wyomingfile.com This is a fine legal analysis of Wyoming’s elk feedlots. ” Litigation is generally an ineffective way to manage wildlife. But litigation over the feedgrounds seems inevitable, and it may be the only way to ensure that western Wyoming’s wildlife get a fair shake.” –…

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