
  • Today, Monday April 28, EarthJustice is expected to file a lawsuit trying to overturn the delisting of wolves one month ago — the handover to virtually unrestricted state management. Wyoming management has resulted already in at least ten, and probably many more, dead wolves from what was the state’s population of 188 wolves. The photos…

  • Readers of the blog have expressed interest in a space to explore ‘Why ?’ and ‘How best ?’ wildlife advocacy might happen.  Academics might call this inquiry “Environmental Ethics”. There are many flavors to choose from, as many as there are people talking about it. This space asks why you value wildlife/the wild, how do…

  • Here are the data. It varies from week to week, of course. One week it was number one, and almost always in the top ten. Lately, visits per weekday have been averaging well over 4000. It drops off a bit every weekend. Thanks for your support and so many excellent comments (to put it mildly).…

  • We have to wish this follow good luck on these. It is very difficult to get an initiative on the ballot without paid signature gatherers, although no impossible. About 4 years ago, a Montana ballot initiative did successfully do away with the notorious elk shooting enclosures so common in adjacent Idaho. It also strongly reduced…

  • No Charges Filed in Wolf Killing Near Ashton, Idaho. LocalNews8 Update: The first Man to Legally Shoot a Wolf Tells His Story. LocalNews8 What this means is that Idaho’s wolves are not much better protected than Wyoming’s. This all came from the law slippped through the Idaho legislature on the very day of delisting, Feb.…

  • Maybe Montana’s governor is going to finally do something. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 CONTACT: Sarah Elliott 406-444-9725 MEDIA ADVISORY Governor, Yellowstone Park Superintendent to Make Announcement about Interagency Bison Management Plan – Tomorrow at Gallatin Airport (HELENA) – Governor Brian Schweitzer and Yellowstone Park Superintendent Suzanne Lewis will make a historic announcement…

  • I was recently in the Park. The snow is incredibly deep in mid-April (deep even for winter). It is snowfree, however, at Gardiner (typical — strong rainshadow). That is where the wintering wildlife migrate to and then north out of the Park. They all do it, except for bison it is an almost certain death…

  • The wolverine was thought to be extinct in California. Then a remote sensing camera photographed one and its scat was collected. DNA evidence from the scat analysis says it came from the Rocky Mountains. Did it walk to California? California wolverine came from the Rocky Mountains. By Dylan Darling. Redding.com

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