
  • Because too many comments are now contributing little new about wildlife, etc., that is, there is little information, analysis, or reasonable discussion. There are too many personal attacks. This is becoming a moderated forum, at least for a while. If you send a comment, I will have to approve it before it appears. That might…

  • The first day of autumn brought cold and often heavy rains to much of Idaho and Montana which have been on fire since mid-July. Many fires will smolder on. It’s amazing how once a fire gets started in “heavy fuels,” meaning very dry (inside) logs, it can continue to slowly burn despite exterior conditions adverse…

  • Dr. Jon Way, who often posts here, has his book out, Suburban Howls, and there is a good interview with him on the radio. “The Point: Coyotes.“

  • This is a major event each year in Wyoming, with a limited number of contestants trying to shoot an pronghorn with just one shot. Tradition Brings Hunters to Wyo. Event. By Ben Neary. Associated Press Writer. Governor Freudenthal is a great shooter, apparently loves hunting, worries about the decline of the sport; but doesn’t worry…

  • I’ve run a number of articles on the Wyoming Range and efforts to stop it from being drilled by the gas industry.  The Pocatello newspaper has a poll going on it right now. Some folks might want to vote. Go to: http://www.idahostatejournal.com/news/ 

  • Idaho has no coal-fired power plants, notorious spewers of the toxic element mercury (which is a natural “contaminant” of coal). The emissions cap and trade program is a pollution control method designed for states with sources of atmospheric mercury (mostly coal plants). If Idaho were to opt into the program, that is basically saying “build…

  • Western Watersheds Blog has located the news the Secretary Dirk Kempthone and his “new honest” Department of Interior has just approved regulations that make the stip mining in Appalachia even worse.

  • This fire has been burning for over a week, but it looks like now it could really take off. It is in southwest Montana to the NW of Dillon. It is a forest fire, not a rangefire. Inciweb page on Pattengail Creek. post 1386

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