Withdrawal of a cattle association from a wolf restoration program hardly a sign of failure- If we look at the history of land use in the Western United States, we find many different political interests. Some are ideological, some economic, some are both. Historically the various statewide cattle associations and stockgrower associations have been the…
Here is the latest open thread on wildlife news topics. You can access the previous open thread here.
It is time that we put up a new thread for your wildlife news. Please post your news and comments below in the box. As a suggestion, sometimes, if you have a lot to say, it is smart to write your comments on text editor (like Notepad) so you can save them and check them for…
In reading some of the comments posted in response to stories run on The Wildlife News this week, I was interested to see a few very heated exchanges concerning humans’ role in determining how animals die. These comments reminded me of a presentation I saw this past November at the annual meeting of the Wildlife…
Commission gives initial approval on divided vote, but final approval might fail- Like the Lolo in Idaho on the Idaho/Montana border, the decline of elk in the West Fork of the Bitterroot area (hunting district 250) in Montana in recent years has been widely blamed on wolves, but the Montana wolf hunters can’t seem to…
Wolf population grows slowly in Oregon Despite a moderate amount of what is euphemistically called “wolf control” in Oregon this year, the wolf population grew a bit with a count of 25 wolves at year’s end. It was 24 until a few days ago when a new pup (now about 7 months old) was discovered…
In May of this year, the US Fish and Wildlife Service proposed creating a Distinct Population Segment (or “DPS”) of wolves in the Great Lakes Region, and removing wolves in this DPS from federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections (76 Fed. Reg 26086). The “delisting” of wolves in the Great Lakes was recently discussed in…
The authors of the Wildlife News encourage thoughtful debate about the issues described herein. We strongly believe that through such discourse and information-sharing people become more knowledgeable about the issues–and thus–better advocates for wildlife, wild lands and the environment. However, while thoughtful discourse encourages a shared understanding of the issues, vitriolic argument leads to entrenchment…