
  • Some are already out- For the next month grizzlies in Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, and Canada will emerge from their dens.  Some are reported to already be out hunting for the first tender grass and for winter carcasses. In the last few days there have been stories alerting people to the fact of the bears “awakening”…

  • GPS collar shows grizzly was on ridge above Grant Creek in Oct. 2011- For years there have been reports grizzly bears in or near “The Rattlesnake,” just north of Missoula, Montana. Now there is hard proof that one grizzly briefly visited in October 2011. A “dropped” GPS collar  found miles to the north from a female…

  • In their December 29th editorial in the Billings Gazette, Scott Talbott of the Wyoming Game and Fish and Harv Forsgren of the U.S. Forest Service wrote that hunting was another step towards grizzly bear recovery. To read their editorial, go to this link: Guest opinion: Hunting another step toward grizzly bear recovery. Specifically, the authors…

  • At least 50 dead griz, but population said to grow by 15- The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem stretches over about 18-million acres and into 3 states. Grizzly bears inhabit about 2/3 of that to some degree, hardly being confined to the smallish 2.2 million acres of Yellowstone National Park. Grizzly bear numbers have been growing for…

  • Much discussed case ends with victory for bear researchers- Yolanda Evert sued the federal government over the grizzly mauling death of her husband Erwin Evert as he walked near the Kitty Creek trail on June 17, 2010. Erwin Evert came upon a male grizzly that had very recently been trapped, tranquilized, and radio-collared.  The bear…

  • Bird hunter-shot-sow treated and returned to the wild, minus an eye- While numerous injured black bears are rehabilitated and returned to the outdoors, this medically treated mother grizzly bear will likely survive and this will save her cub too. Story with photos

  • Republican Hill sees wildlife in terms of hunting; Democrat Bullock takes a more expansive view of the value of wildlife- The view of governors on wildlife makes a big difference because wildlife management is the province of the states except for endangered species and some marine mammals. Montana’s Democrat  and current attorney general Steve Bullock…

  • Grizzly bear was wounded by bullets. How badly? For the second time this month a grizzly bear and hunters have had a confrontation over an elk shot in the Idaho elk archery hunt.  Unlike the last incident where the bear bit a hunter and ran off, this time the hunters apparently fired numerous bullets at…

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