Remarkable video shows an elk calf-eating grizzly and elk grazing side by side- Daryl Hunter spotted grizzly bear #610 approaching elk at Willow Flats in Grand Teton National Park. The bear had been eating their elk calves all months. Guess what happened next? Watch his video.
Recently we were informed of a new effort by two conservation groups, a Native American tribe and livestock interests “to secure $25 million from the upcoming 2012 Farm Bill to help livestock producers reduce the risk of livestock losses to grizzly bears, wolves, black bears and mountain lions.” This taxpayer money is meant to “reduce…
Movement of bears into this good habitat was inevitable. Meanwhile Gallatin County Commissions say wolves, bears cougars are a big detriment to Bozeman, West Yellowstone areas- In Yellowstone Park where the Gallatin Range rises there is some of the very best grizzly habitat. For a long time grizzlies have also ranged about 10 miles north…
“Justice” was done when the ‘Wapiti Sow” was euthanized (executed?)- An earlier story today remarked that in springtime our thoughts seem to turn to bears as they wake up and we get to run stories saying “be careful.” Just in time, Slate Magazine has run a very thorough story on the life of a Yellowstone…
It’s springtime and, of course, the bears have come out of their dens– Many newspapers, TV stations and other media in wild or rural country are now running articles pointing to the obvious, bears are no longer hibernating. The stories are coupled with warnings about putting your bird seed out of reach, securing smelly attractants,…
While on a hike in northern California, Robert Biggs stopped to watch a bear and her cubs. He was suddenly attacked from behind by a mountain lion and the sow black bear came to his rescue. Bear Saves Robert Biggs From Mountain Lion Attack In California. The Huffington Post
Is this a new problem or a sudden realization of an old one? Whether it is or not, this issue is heating up in British Columbia and Alberta The adult grizzlies are more likely to escape the wintertime dozers and other heavy equipment than the cubs, but the mortality rate of even adults is substantial.…
Unconfirmed sightings are increasing, but does this mean real bears or more Ravalli County hysteria? Officially there are no grizzly bears in the Bitterroot Mountains of Idaho-Montana or in the ranges to the east until you get about the Snowcrest Range. On the other hand, grizzlies are spreading out as their traditional food sources in…