
  • GB399 gives one of her cubs to her daughter, 610? These famous Grand Teton bears just became more famous with the apparent movement of one of 399’s cubs to that of her grown daughter, 610; who already has two cubs of the year. Grizzly Sows Apparently Swap A Cub In Grand Teton National Park. By…

  • Sloppy food storage habituates grizzly bear at or near private campground west of West Yellowstone- Soda pop, garbage, food in coolers, and bird seed kills female grizzly. Story in the Bozeman Chronicle. By Daniel Person. Does anyone know which private campground this was?

  • Critical high altitude pine has been nearly wiped out by beetles, fire, blister rust- These trees with fat rich nuts are already getting federal government attention, but mortality is even worse than thought. The large majority of whitebark grow on U.S. public lands. The work will concentrate on protecting existing stands using pheromones to confuse…

  • A couple from Bozeman, who were hiking in Yellowstone National Park, successfully fended off a sow grizzly using pepper spray just days before a man was killed by a sow grizzly under similar circumstances. Bozeman Couple Encounter Bear Days Before Fatal Yellowstone Attack. NBC Montana You can read their first hand account of the incident…

  • “Loss of apex consumers is arguably humankind’s most pervasive influence on the natural world.” Loss of Large Predators Has Caused Widespread Disruption of Ecosystems. ScienceDaily

  • Though polar bears did not originate in Ireland, all may have a maternal line to one ancestral female brown bear in Ireland- Today’s sophisticated genetic analysis keeps finding the most interesting bits of biological history. DNA hints at polar bears’ Irish ancestry. By Susan Miliu. Science News.

  • First fatal encounter in the Park since 1986 Grizzly bear kills hiker in Yellowstone National Park – LA Times – Greenspace Wednesday’s incident appeared to be an act of defense by the bear, which fled with her cubs.  

  • Wonderful news! And don’t believe that stuff about “these areas are no longer biologically suitable for the grizzly.” If they are not suitable, how is it that they are living there? People who say things like that don’t seem to know much about the history of wildlife in the West.  The low point for wildlife…

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