
  • Wilkinson takes apart pastor Bryan Fischer’s arguments- Todd Wilkinson: Idaho Pastor Calls For ‘Open Season’ on Yellowstone Grizzlies. Huffington Post. Of course, rational argument hardly ever changes anyone’s religious beliefs. I think this is another confirmation that pushy religious extremists are getting involved in wildlife issues as part of their larger effort to dominate us. …

  • Record population is reached amidst a year of bear food stress and many mortalities- This is a replacement of the original article (it’s more complete). Grizzly numbers hit new high in Yellowstone region. By Matthew Brown. AP Because of the late spring, just average berry crop, and failure of the whitebark pine nut crop (there…

  • Obama’s Abandonment of the West Doug Peacock continues to enrich the debate over grizzlies in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem : Global Warming, Killer Bears? Doug Peacock, Counterpunch Biologists sometimes like to quibble that losing the grizzly because of the collapse of whitebark pine forests may be the least of our ecological worries. Ecosystems are, of…

  • Hungry grizzlies at lower elevations, find livestock, along with natural food- Although federal grizzly bear managers have been sanguine about the the death of whitebark pine in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem, the effect on the grizzlies is obvious in Wyoming. They have come down from the subalpine where the whitebark pine will never again have…

  • “We don’t know what’s going to happen without whitebark.”- I know it will soon be functionally extinct, although no doubt some token remnants will be protected from beetles and blister rust. Ecologically speaking, it is already almost gone. Here is a long essay on its demise and the effects. Feature article in New West. Grizzlies…

  • Rather than pursue a grizzly bear restoration that puts bears’ welfare first, the feds are appealing a district court decision to keep grizzlies protected under the Endangered Species Act, taking that decision to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. From the Endangered Species Act: The term ‘‘endangered species’’ means any species which is in danger…

  • Very important. Interesting post by NRDC’s Louisa Wilcox about how the science shows how critical whitebark pine nuts are for grizzlies and how the managers talk out of both sides of their mouth. “In its August 9th legal brief challenging the 2009 ruling by Federal Judge Donald Molloy that required relisting of the Yellowstone grizzly…

  • Here is the Soda Butte Grizzly Attack Report Summary: In the early morning hours of 28 July 2010, an adult female grizzly bear accompanied by 3 yearlings attacked 3 separate people in 3 different tents in the Soda Butte Campground.  The initial attack was inflicted on Mr. Ronald Singer at approximately 0200 hours, who was…

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