
  • Which method works best? Actually it seems to me that there are too few differences in result so far to make a determination. Glacier hazes roadside bears; Grand Teton, Yellowstone let people close. By Cory Hatch, Jackson Hole News and Guide. Back in the days before 1970, Yellowstone let people feed sandwiches and twinkes to…

  • Evidence is grizzly restoration would be much easier if some would just migrate in as opposed to reintroduction- This article covers a lot of topics about grizzly recovery, bear tracking, restoration, and politics. Grizzlies in the Bitterroot Mountains politically thorny. By Rob Cheney.  Missoulian

  • Focus today, Jan. 12, is on Yellowstone grizzlies after Judge Molloy relisted them- Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee drafts new plan for grizzly bear recovery in Rockies, Cascades. AP More on the meeting: Grizzly panel [IGBC] says it can’t meet judge’s requirements for delisting. By Rob Chaney. The Missoulian. I have been reading this claim ever…

  • 22 were moved, 4 killed, and three put in zoos- State relocates 22 grizzlies. By Gib Mathers. Powell Tribune as reproduced in the Casper Star-Tribune

  • After many years in existence, Sheep Experiment State does NEPA analysis on their operations- According to their web site the Sheep Experiment Station’s mission is  “to develop integrated methods for increasing production efficiency of sheep and to simultaneously improve the sustainability of rangeland ecosystems.” OK, but maybe folks would like to know the details. For…

  • The efforts to re-introduce grizzlies to Washington and Idaho have been stalled for political reasons Joel Connelly talks about the rate of recovery efforts for grizzly bears in the country, and specifically the North Cascades and Bitteroot Mountains of Washington, Idaho and Montana. Are there grizzly bears in Washington state?. By Joel Connelly. Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

  • A historical perspective on the Gallatin Canyon elk “decline” controversy- The following is by Norman A. Bishop of Bozeman, a member of our Board and long time naturalist in the Greater Yellowstone area of Montana. – – – – – – Hunters angry over dwindling elk need historical perspective “Hunters vent anger over dwindling elk”…

  • This is the story about hunting district 310 that a lot of SW Montana hunters are upset about- Big game animals scarce in once-popular hunting district along Gallatin River. By Brett French. Billings Gazette.

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