Agency officials downplay impact- Agencies to allow for bear status. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press Judge Molloy put the Yellowstone area bears back on the threatened species list because all their food sources are jeopardized. Brian Kelly, Fish and Wildlife Service Wyoming field supervisor was quoted in the article above, “The basic message is that…
Hunting season for deer and elk is underway (partially) in Wyoming, and already the grizzlies are going down- Ditch Creek is just east of the middle section of Grand Teton National Park. Wyoming Game & Fish Department investigates grizzly shooting. Star Valley Independent
Will they become a Canadian threatened species? To many Americans, Canada is still the “great white north” where multitudes of wildlife live in wilderness and “tree huggers” silly enough to want to see a bear or a wolf can go a see one behind almost every tree. The reality is massive development, and especially in…
David Smith urges IGBC to change its bear spray campaign slogan to “Carry bear spray and know when to use it.” Smith urges what might seem to be subtle but very important change in the way the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee educates hunters about bear spray. However, for 2009 the IGBC is using the same…
Hunters and hikers should take special note- This time of year, many grizzlies take to forested river bottoms that lead eastward out from the Front,* such as the Teton River, Sun River, etc. River bottom grizzlies spark warnings to hunters. By Karl Puckett. Great Falls Tribune. – – – – *The Front is the name…
Decline in salmon stocks is blamed for bears starving to death The unsure fate of Grizzly bear populations might not be a concern that is limited to the lower 48 states. Grizzly bear decline alarms conservationists in Canada – The Guardian A furious row has erupted in Canada with conservationists desperately lobbying the government to suspend…
Good vegetation conditions this year should keep grizzly deaths down, but it’s not clear that they are- Another year like 2008 and the Greater Yellowstone grizzly bear population goes back on the threatened species list. Federal, state wildlife agencies launch campaign to prevent grizzly bear killings. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press.