
  • Bear bites back News Release – 6/28/09 Idaho Department of Fish and Game  Three eastern Idaho bear hunters got an unpleasant surprise Sunday morning, June 28, when their hounds surrounded a female grizzly with cubs. The bear took after the hunters, knocked one man down, bit him on the right arm and tossed him around.…

  • In 2006, Congress banned leasing federal lands on the Front, but many leases had already been given- The effort to protect Montana’s Rocky Mountain Front from natural gas development has been and continues to be pretty successful. These oil, gas leases along the Front were the work of two NGOs, The Coalition to Protect the…

  • Is the move out of the mountains due to the long winter and wet spring? We’ve been talking about grizzly south of Interstate 90 in Idaho,  but a more obvious movement is the presence of two or more grizzly bears out on the plains, well east of the Rocky Mountain front. Young grizzlies push farther…

  • Second killing of griz in two years shows some grizzlies getting past the Interstate Highway 90 barrier- Interstate Highway 90 cuts across NW Montana and the Panhandle of Idaho creating a massive barrier to grizzly migration and restoration to central Idaho. That’s the bad news. The good news it is not absolute. Although finding a…

  • Boise, Idaho man said attack happened too fast to use either when he surprised the bears- Fortunately he was able to walk 4 miles to the trailhead. Update: the original story has been replaced by a much more detailed one below. Boise man in hospital following griz attack. By Karin Ronnow. Bozeman Chronicle Staff Writer…

  • Report issued due to the 2008 spike in Greater Yellowstone grizzly deaths- Numerous methods are identified, but a smaller number give more “bank for the buck” (the buck being not so much money as political or cultural resistance). Yellowstone Mortality and Conflicts Reduction Report. IGBST. June 5, 2009 Note: I hope discussion of this doesn’t…

  • Breaking and entering experts at West Yellowstone Wolf and Grizzly Discovery Center can’t open (or smash) new coolers- Although the problem solving can be tough for the bears at the Discovery Center, they usually manage to pry open, squash, or mangle a food container given them, but certain coolers made by Yeti Coolers and by…

  • How could this happen? You don’t try to hit the bear/wolf, whatever. Did the shell not explode and the bear ate it? ! Bear killed after hazing effort. By the Associated Press

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