
  • GYE grizzlies are probably not very diverse- Unlike the wolves, which currently have fine genetic diversity, Greater Yellowstone grizzlies are likely not diverse. Nevertheless, a study is underway to see if any unrecognised interbreeding between GYE bears and those from the north has taken place. Bears to get study. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News…

  • Blood levels of toxic lead are elevated in grizzlies eating the remains of the hunt in the Greater Yellowstone- Lead in grizzly blood during hunt season. Researcher wonders if preliminary results show a danger to bruins from hunters’ bullets. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide.

  • Grizzly bear managers are the largest source of bear mortality in NW Montana- ‘Management removals’ top cause of NW bear deaths. AP. Bozeman Chronicle. One third of the deaths came at the hands of the managers. In second place was illegal shootings, about 15% of the deaths. – – – – – Other Montana bear…

  • Any comments? 7:44 PM. MST. Looks like Obama to me. Ive going to the local election central for a while. RM

  • Population augmentation program struck blow- Second Cabinet grizzly killed. Published: Tuesday, November 4, 2008. By JIM MANN. The Daily Interake One was hit by a train; the other one was illegally shot. It was not all for naught. They had offspring and their offspring had offspring.

  • Probably not- Nevertheless, an Oregon paper asked the question. Trouble is there is no grizzly bear corridor into Oregon. Grizzlies would first have to fill up central Idaho where there are probably none. There have been sightings of “grizzlies” for years in NE Oregon, but not one verified. Moose enter Oregon, so are grizzlies next?…

  • Hunter shoots a Montana grizzly sow, charging to protect cub. Her death one too many for the year- The other day I predicted that the mortality limit for the year would be passed. It was unfortunately an easy prediction. About 10% of the grizzly population has died or been killed this year. If this happens…

  • More grizzly bear deaths. Mortality quota exceeded for male and female bears in Greater Yellowstone- States can’t manage grizzlies and they should be relisted- Two grizzly bear cubs shot in NW Wyoming. AP. Oct. 27 The brief article doesn’t mention the ESA implications, but my earlier post certainly leads to the conclusion that both male…

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