
  • This is another story on the high grizzly mortality rate this year. Known bear deaths increase, but it’s no crisis. By Mike Stark. Billings Gazette. . . . it’s official line that it’s no crisis unless it happens two years in a row. With the rapidly growing loss of whitebark pine, is there any reason…

  • It has been the common view that 22-year old Kenton Carnegie was killed by a wolf pack northern Saskatchewan back 2005, becoming the only documented victim of such an attack in North America. Testimony from carnivore expert Paul Paquet has now cast doubt on that belief. Paquet says it was most likely a bear that…

  • While it’s too soon to blame this on state management, the first year of state-run Greater Yellowstone grizzly management has seen too many deaths of grizzly sows, a very important parameter in keeping the delisted bear population from a relisting. Story in the Jackson Hole News and Guide. Grizzly sow deaths close to upper limit.…

  • Study: About 240 grizzlies live in Glacier park. USA Today . Earlier, we have discussed the DNA population size study for the entire NCDE (at least 550). This is the first breakout I have seen for just the Glacier NP portion of the NCDE.

  • A 700 pound grizzly (huge for the interior Rocky Mountains) was hit and killed by a pickup truck on Highway 200 not far from Lincoln, Montana. This is in the NCDE grizzly recovery area, not the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem. Story: Pickup truck kills 700-pound griz near Lincoln. By John Cramer. Missoulian – – – –…

  • This was not a greater Yellowstone grizzly, but a NCDE griz. He apparently came across the grizzly who was in a “day bed.” Story. Billings Gazette News Services. Updates 10/18. Hunter recalls grizzly attack while he was bird hunting. AP Pheasant hunters: Beware of bears [on the Flathead Indian Reservation]. By Vince Devlin. Missoulian

  • Here is a shocker from the Casper Star Tribune today. Wyoming hunters kill four [or more] grizzlies. By Whitney Royster. Casper Star-Tribune environmental reporter. The grizzly no longer has federal protection in Wyoming (delisted). Wyoming’s penalties are lighter (on paper), but the high federal penalties were almost never levied. The outcome of this, assuming it…

  • The Northern Continental Divide ecosystem in northwest central Montana is the second largest grizzly population in the lower 48 states. It consists of Glacier National Park, the Great Bear, Bob Marshall, Scapegoat, and Mission Mountains wilderness areas and several million acres of adjacent roaded and unroaded, public and private land. A sophisticated population size study…

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