
  • This is a follow-up to the story yesterday on the mauling of a man adjacent to his home in a rural subdivision in grizzly habitat near the Idaho/Wyoming border. E. Idaho neighbors disagree on response to bear attack. Residents acknowledge bears come with the territory, but some still want the grizzly killed. By Rocky Barker…

  • There aren’t a lot of grizzly bears in Idaho, but other than the rare northern Idaho Selkirk grizzly, the hot spot is the Targhee National Forest vicinity, immediately south and south by southwest of Yellowstone, generally between Yellowstone Park and the west slope of the Teton Range.*  In recent years, subdivisions have been growing in…

  • The number of people commenting on U.S. government conservation action proposals has been increasing over time, with hundreds of thousands commenting on roadless areas, snowmobiles in Yellowstone, and wolves.The comments on the Bush Administration’s study whether to list the polar bear as “threatened” has set a record. Story. Polar Bears Draw Record Public Response to…

  • “Grizzlies no safer than average bears: The Yellowstone park population is coming off the endangered list and might be hunted again.” By Bettina Boxall. Los Angeles Times Staff WriterThis story is about the delisting controversy too. A thing I should point out is that while in principle and probably in actuality, there will be some…

  • Unless they reverse the delisting of the greater Yellowstone grizzly population, 8 conservation groups have told the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service they will be sued. Although the grizzly bear population of the area has no doubt doubled since they were “listed” as “threatened’ in the 1970s soon after the Endangered Species Act was passed,…

  • Experts say grizzlies could suffer. Some biologists worry that bears aren’t genetically diverse enough for delisting. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide. This has been known for quite a while. The solution seems simple to me, although the anti-introduction extremists who now dominate the Dept. of Interior, and the grizzly bear purists, won’t…

  • Defenders never seems to get credit for its program that reimburses ranchers for livestock losses to wolves. Ever fewer know they pay for losses to grizzly bears (except in Wyoming where the Game and Fish Department runs a “gravy train” for ranchers who say the lost livestock to grizzlies). Should Defenders continue paying for bears…

  • After 30 years, the grizzlies of the Greater Yellowstone are to be delisted, but there are 5 other populations of grizzlies in the lower 48 states. They are years away from delisting, even the largest, those of the Northern Continental Divide ecosystem (Glacier NP, Bob Marshall Wilderness and surrounding lands). Grizzlies in northcentral Montana might…

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