
  • Most listings nowadays, and in the past, have come from conservation groups forcing the species onto the “list,” but in an unusual move the Bush Administration has proposed listing the polar bear, which is suffering the effects of warming in the Arctic. That melts the ice the bears need to hunt from. The polar bear…

  • Brodie Farquhar muses about hibernation and and two recent stories about it. Nap Time For Yellowstone Bears, But Others Still Awake. New West He wishes he could talk to Yellowstone grizzly biologists to see if warming is causing the bears to hibernate for shorter periods. I don’t know, but I do know that the availability…

  • One reader asked that I post an essay I wrote about Tim Treadwell (and Werner Herzog). This is from my old web site, written about a year ago when “Grizzly Man” came out.

  • Only $9000 paid in Montana in 2006, but the State of Wyoming paid $110,000. The direct explanation for the difference is far fewer livestock killed in Montana than Wyoming. Indirectly, however, the Wyoming compensation formula for grizzly losses is so generous that there is no incentive to protect livestock from grizzlies. A grizzly loss can…

  • This is a big victory for those trying to protect the imperiled grizzly bear populations in extreme NW Montana (the Cabinet-Yaak population) and in the Panhandle of Idaho and NE Washington State (the Selkirk grizzly population). Story. By Perry Backus in the Missoulian

  • “SUNDANCE — Depending on how potential litigation plays out, management of the grizzly bear could be back in the hands of state officials — and the bear itself back in the gunsights of hunters — by 2008.” That’s progress? It seems return to state management of endangered or threatened species always means “now we get…

  • This has been an extremely good year for grizzly bear survival in both the Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Continental Divide ecosystem (Glacier NP, Bob Marshall Wilderness and vicinity). This story is one exception. The matter is under investigation to see if elk hunter Ken Meade killed the recently relocated grizzly by mistake, in self…

  • How many grizzlies live in the Northern Continental Divide ecoystem (that’s Glacier National Park and about 6-million adjaccent acres)? A massive first-of-its-kind DNA study was undertaken several years ago using this new method which avoids the pitfalls of direct observation plus interpolation which has been the past method. The Daily InterLake reports today the number…

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