
  • Western Watersheds and Sierra Club say the ‘incidental take’ of 4 bears is wrongly based on an “arbitrary and capricious” analysis by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service- News Release Washington, DC – Conservation groups have filed a legal challenge against two federal agencies for approving the killing of four grizzly bears, a threatened species,…

  • The sides, unfortunately that is the way it appears, are getting ready for the public meetings for the restoration of a grizzly bear population in Washington’s North Cascades Ecosystem. The first one is March 3 in Winthrop, WA. Here is the complete list. Tuesday, March 3rd in Winthrop from 5-7:30 p.m. at the Red Barn Upper…

  • A first step on road to grizzly recovery in a former stronghold- The National Park Service (NPS) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) have just announced that they are jointly preparing a North Cascades Ecosystem Grizzly Bear Restoration Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (Plan/EIS). Public meetings are being held this coming March about…

  • Wildlife management reform objective one- Speak for Wolves is an opportunity for the American people to unite and demand wildlife management reform and restore our national heritage. This year’s event is set to take place in the Union Pacific Dining Lodge on August 7-9, 2015 in West Yellowstone, Montana. Here is the first objective in reforming…

  • Politicians play to the incoherent fears of wimpy folks. This is bad for protecting the planet and its wildlife- Just two months ago many Americans feared they would soon be stricken by dread Ebola and those who survived would have their heads lopped off by ISIS. Fortunately a cure was deployed for both Ebola and…

  • This is a first- A young man from Newdale, Idaho (Kenneth Sommer) was hunting black bear in May. His wife was along on this trip to the Rock Creek area near the Cave Falls road. He shot a big male grizzly (illegal) and claimed it was about to attack his wife, a defense we have…

  • Send public comments now on new EA for predator damage management by Wildlife Services in Idaho- USDA’s Wildlife Services in Idaho is writing a new environmental analysis (EA) on how to manage damage by predators in Idaho. It will replace all existing EAs. According to the announcement, “Predator species involved in the majority of conflicts…

  • Doom and gloom hardly justified this year- Grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone (GYE) and the Northern Continental Divide ecosystems (NCDE) had a very good year in 2014 when we consider bear mortality. In the GYE there were only 25 confirmed dead grizzlies. In 2013 there were 29 and in 2012 there were 59!  In…

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